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1. Degryse, Roger. "De Palestinaschepen van Dierick van Paesschen (1511-1521) (met een bijvoegsel over: de buiskonvooiering in 1521)." Mededelingen (Koninklijke Marine Academie - Belgium) 23, (1973-1975): 15-45.
Notes: Additional titles: "Les armements de Dierick van Paesschen pour la navigation sur la Palestine (1511-1519) (avec un supplement: le convoi de la pêche harenguière en 1521);" "The Equipments of Dierick van Paesschen for the Navigation on Palestine (1511-1519) (with a Supplement about the Convoy of the Herring-Busses in 1521)." Summary in French on pp. 43-44, and in English on pp. 44-45.
Subjects: Foreign relations/Individuals--Dierick van Paesschen



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